UCT's committees and working groups are organised in clusters, providing a logical hierarchy, while maintaining simplicity, accountability and defined responsibilities.
Committee naming conventions
The parent committee of each cluster is a University Committee (eg, the University Research Committee, the University Audit Committee).
Project groups are task groups, or natural work teams, formed around specific problems. They provide expert advice or work through solutions for specific projects. They have a finite life.
Working groups are similar to project groups in that they add value to the formal decision-making committee system and have no authority to make decisions in their own right. Unlike project groups, they are formed to deal with generic issues, or sets of issues. They have an indefinite existence with stable membership but have the flexibility to add to the group's membership, subject to approval by the Nominations Committee.
Management advisory groups are similar to working groups in that they deal with generic issues, or sets of issues, have an indefinite existence and stable membership; but they are primarily concerned with managerial co-ordination. They are set up by the vice-chancellor, or individual executive officers, deans, executive directors, or the registrar.
The reports of project and working groups are in the public domain, but the reports of management advisory groups are not.